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On Word-formation Types of Czech Deverbatives : A Diachronic View

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper characterizes some difficulties of accurate diachronical description of Czech deverbative nouns. Using existing lexicographic sources, the author submits corrections to a previous diachronical outline of Czech deverbative word-formation (Part 2).

Based on a probe into the lexicographical material processed, he describes various transitions between individual meaning of nouns inspected, especially regarding the process of concretization of abstracts, and - using generalization of existing semantic definitions - he defines general meanings of deverbatives (Part 3). Evaluating some samples the author assesses the possibilities and perspectives of using newly created language corpora which include Old Czech data and also other ways available for diachronical research into the problem such as usage examples and their exploiting for a lexicographical survey (Part 4).