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Dynamics of serum visfatin level after abdominal surgery: a new proinflammatory marker in the early diagnosis?

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Background. Visfatin is a newly recognized adipocytokine produced mainly in visceral fat tissue.

Beside its effect on insulin receptor, it serves as proinflammatory cytokine and its level can be changed during inflammatory processes. The aim of the study was to analyze dynamics of serum visfatine level in early period after abdominal surgery and compare it with other proinflammatory markers.

Methods and results. In prospective cross-sectional study 20 patients after elective laparotomic abdominal surgery (partial colectomy) were enrolled and dynamics of visfatin, leptin, resistin, adiponectin, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and CRP in period +12, +24, +48 and + 72 hours was monitored.

Serum visfatin was elevated already in +24 hrs period after surgery comparing the culmination of serum level of TNF-alpha and IL-6 12-24 hrs later and CRP even 48-72 hrs later. Conclusions.

Serum visfatin was elevated very early after abdominal surgery and thus its dynamic may be an early predictor of inflammatory processes namely in patients with visceral obesity