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Relationship dentist and patient

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Abstract : In all areas of medicine , psychology and psychiatry is devoted significant attention to the relationship between doctor and patient. It examines how the relationship can affect patient adherence to therapy , healthy behavior , the humanization of care , quality and outcomes.

Psychosocial factors in the dentist - patient relationship influence whether a patient to the doctor orders that the treatment not come, or look for a different kind of treatment. Relationship to the dentist , the patient arises from the experience of childhood and previous relationships.

The patient perceives the emotional atmosphere in the workplace and the relationship between dentists , nurses and other staff. Therefore, in the first Article, the individual models generally physician-patient relationship , transference , supervision and supportive psychotherapy.

Next, we describe more specifically what the patient is experiencing as a result of the interaction relationship with a dentist , dimensions and relationship satisfaction in a relationship. Finally, the article deals with the proportion of patients for dental treatment in terms of prevention and therapy compliance .