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Hippocrates, Selected Works I

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The book is the first in a series of volumes devoted to the Corpus Hippocraticum. Its aim is to bridge the gap in Czech Hippocratic scholarship which began more than a century ago with the pioneering studies and translations of prof.

O. Schrutz, published between 1895 and 1902 yet having unfortunately remained almost untouched since then.

The objective of the first volume is to introduce two important features of Hippocratic medicine: namely, its deontological dimension illustrated with the Hippocratic Oath (Jusjurandum), Decorum (De decente habitu) and Physician (De medico); and the doctrinal, methodological and epistemological diversity of the Corpus which is represented by Ancient Medicine (De prisca medicina), The Art (De arte) and the first book of Regimen (De victu, I). The volume opens with an extensive introductory study of the Hippocratic tradition.

Its scope embraces the characteristics of the Corpus as a whole; the practice of medical profession during the time of “historical” Hippocrates; the relationship between medicine and philosophy in Ancient Greece; as well as the process of inventing the Hippocratic legend, its ties to the cult of Asclepius (and to temple medicine), and the textual tradition of the Corpus Hippocraticum including the first renaissance editions and the various waves of Hippocratic revival in the centuries to come. The volume is supplied with Index Nominum, Index Locorum and a chart of all the Hippocratic treatises included in Littré's edition, listing their standard abbreviations, original Greek titles, and Latin and Czech translations.