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Carotid artery stenting - current status of the procedure

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Surgical carotid endarterectomy (CEA) was long considered the standard approach for the treatment of atherosclerotic carotid artery disease. This was based on results of several randomized trials demonstrating its effectiveness over the best medical therapy.

In the past two decades, patients identified high-risk for surgery were offered carotid artery stenting (CAS) as a less invasive option. Despite its initial limitations, CAS has evolved into an elaborate method currently considered to be equivalent and in selected patients even preferable to CEA.

However, outcomes of both procedures are highly operator dependent and a simple stratifying method to prioritize CAS, CEA or medical therapy only has not yet been proposed. In addition, recently published randomized trials highlighted the importance of proper patient selection and rigorous training contributing to low absolute rates of (procedural) adverse events.

This review discusses the history and evidence for carotid revascularization and briefly presents technical aspects and innovations in CAS.