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The usage of participles and transgressives of the verbs “būti“ (to be), „sakyti“ (to say) in contemporary texts. Their equivalents in Czech and Latvian languages



In my thesis „The usage of participles and transgressives of the verbs “būti“ (to be), „sakyti“ (to say) in contemporary texts. Their equivalents in Czech and Latvian languages“ the object of my research is a grammatical phenomenon of indefinite verb forms in the narrow sense of the Lithuanian, Czech and Latvian languages.

The subject matter is a treatise of various forms of participles and transgressives (we are not specifically concerned with infinitive in this thesis), chiefly in the Lithuanian language, but in relation to the Czech and Latvian language. Participles and transgressives are regarded as grammatical units, which are an integral part of a modern-day language; however the currency of their usage, in contrast to the past, is fading.

We have focused on a summary of existing knowledge of participles and transgressives in the Lithuanian, Latvian and Czech language, pointing out the similarities and differences among them; on collection of actual language materials and the analysis of the usage in the Bibliographic database of Lithuanian newspaper articles (Lith. Bibliografinė Lietuvos periodinės spaudos straipsnių bazė; a collection of articles, published in Lithuanian printed media from 1994 to 2002).

One of the objectives of my thesis was to compare equivalents of Lithuanian, Latvian and Czech forms, which in Lithuanian are transgressives and participles of the verbs “be” and “say”.