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Cardiosurgical day 22.1.2013



On the occasion of 100. anniversary of the birth of professor Prochazka organised Cardiocenter Univ. Hospital HK Hradecky Cardiosurgical day.

In the introduction of ceremony the life and merit of prof. Prochazka reminded the head of the Dept. of Cardiac Surgery assor. prof.

Jan Harrer, dean of Faculty of medicine the prof. Miroslav Cervinka and director of the University Hospital prof.

Roman Prymula. History of Thoracic Surgery in Hradec Kralove, recounted Dr.

Petr Habal. The professional part of the symposium was divided into three blocks.

The first was dealt with rapidly evolving area of short-term mechanical heart support and the issue of failing the right ventricle. Further it was reminded the intervention cathetrization options and in the third block yang prospective doctors had there presentations.

Event was attended by about 120 doctors and nurses.