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Messianic Models of the Book of Zohar

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The goal of this study is to examine different messianic models within the Book of the Zohar. The book stands on polyvalent reading of the Bible.

Every biblical verse can be interpreted quadrilateraly and the universe is observed in the same manner as well. Therefore, the messianism of the Book of Zohar bears the quadrilateral pattern likewise.

Consequently, the messianic attributes are ascribed to several subjects, to the book itself and even to its language, to its main hero rabbi Simeon bar Yochai and to the Other Side. The way for redemption is paved by the book that contains the teaching of mystagogic rabbi Simeon bar Yochai, who is versed in the knowledge of the Other Side.

The humiliation of the Other Side will be marked by the coming of the Messiah, who does not actively participate in the tikkun. Aforementioned messianic concepts, the talismanic view, theosofi cal-theurgical model and catharactic perspective, are skilfully interwoven in a story centered on the resurrection of rabbi Yosi of Peki'in from Zohar 3:204b-205b.

Different messianic models, elaborated in the paper, are considered to be of complementary character.