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Thermal and Magnetic Properties in Ce1-xErxAl2 Intermetallic Compounds

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The magnetic and thermal properties of Ce1-xErxAl2 compounds have been studied using specific heat, dc magnetization, and ac susceptibility measurements. All these compounds are isomorphic with the MgCu2 Laves phase, and the lattice parameter decreases almost linearly with the increasing Er concentration x.

The dc magnetic susceptibility follows the Curie-Weiss law, and the Weiss temperature continuously changes from Theta = -24K for x = 0 to Theta = 15K for x = 1, indicating a change from antiferro-magnetism to ferromagnetism. Theta changes from negative to positive at around x = 0.2 where where a field-induced metamagnetic transition disappears.

The magnetic ordering state continuously changes with the change in x from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic through a spin-glass-like behavior.