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Analysis and Detection of Scytophycin Variants by HPLC-ESI-MS

Publication at Faculty of Science |


A significant number of cyanobacteria possess interesting biological activities, including cytotoxic and, rarely, fungicidal. One of the most potent group of this are scytophycins, found in cyanobacteria of the family Scytonemataceae 30 years ago.

The best known representative of the scytophycin family, tolytoxin (6-hydroxy-7-O-methylscytophycin B), was first isolated from a terrestrial blue-green alga Tolypothrix conglutinata. The genus Nostoc is a rich source of various bioactive metabolites, but scytophycins were never observed to be produced by this cyanobacterium.

In this study we apply LCMSn instrumentation in order to extend its applicability for structural analysis of the scytophycin family members.