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Free radicals and antioxidants in otorhinolaryngology

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Free radicals in otorhinolaryngology participate in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Antioxidants can act or preventively or ameliorate the diseases.

Oxidative stress, in which is the predominance of free radicals to antioxidants, is present in many states like inflammation, atherosclerosis or tumors. Antioxidant capacity is increased not only by the application of antioxidants, but also due to positive emotions.

In nasal and paranasal diseases is the role of the nitroxide radical very important. Vasocontrictive drugs decrease its level, pathologically increased levels are observed in asthma, allergic rhinitis and in sinusitis.

Nitroxide protects organism against microorganisms and viruses. Oxidative stress supports the origin of nasal polyposis, takes part in disturbances of the hearing.

Increased reactive oxygen species are engaged in tinnitus. In otitis media the level of lipoperoxides may be the marker of the severity of the disease.

In Ménicre's syndrome the total antioxidant capacity is decreased. It is possible to conclude, that free radicals and antioxidants play an important role in otorhinolaryngological diseases.