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Whole body 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Aim: Evaluation of the experience with whole body magnetic resonance on 3T system. Method: 279 examinations performed on 3T system (SKYRA, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) performed during 36 months were assessed according indications, possibility of imaging of the bone marrow, organs of the abdomen and lungs, when the indications are multiple myeloma, lymphoma or the other tumors.

Results: The most frequent indication remains multiple myeloma (228), in 35 patients was performed lymphoma imaging with reached sufficient diagnostic imaging enabling assessment of the bone marrow, lymph nodes, lungs and parenchymatous organs. Diffusion weighted imaging on 3T is sufficient, but increases the imaging time significantly.

Conclusion: Whole body imaging on 3T MRI is fully diagnostic in the evaluation of staging or restaging in multiple myeloma, lymhomas or the other tumors.