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Basic characteristics of the postnatal development of the human cranium

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The authors have analyzed by roentgencephalometry the films of 27 healthy boys and 29 girls aged 5 years, and those of 37 healthy adult men and 35 women. The linear dimensions were adjusted to X-ray magnification to obtain their actual values and all data thus present the Czech norms.

To evaluate the amount of growth the differences between the dimensions in childhood and adult age were expressed in percent of the initial value of the characteristic in childhood. All differences in shape are the result of a differing growth rate of individual structures.

Intersexual differences in the size of the cranium in adult age amount to 5-10% in the majority offacial characteristics 3-5% in the neurocranium. In childhood the differences are smaller, 1-6%.

This results from the longer-lasting growth of the cranium in boys than in girls with a larger final size in males. On the contrary the shape of the cranium and of its components showed virtually no significant intersexual differences.

In adult age, females have a more vaulted forehead, a more anterior inclination of foramen magnum and greater proclination of the upper alveolar process with a greater maxillary overjet, in childhood they have more protruding jaws.