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Electric Heart Field Changes in Patients Treated with Dosulepine

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the study was to detect changes of the electric heart field due to cardiotoxicity of tricyclic antidepressant dosulepine. Body surface potential maps, electrocardiographic and vectorcardiographic data were obtained using Cardiag 128.1 diagnostic system from 28 outpatients treated with dosulepine and compared to those obtained from 37 healthy volunteers.

Acquired data were statistically correlated by Spearman rank order correlation coefficient with dosulepine plasma levels. Following ECG parameters were significantly altered in the dosulepine group and showed significant correlation with dosulepine plasma levels: right QRS axis deviation in frontal plane (p < 0.01), decreased early depolarization maximum on isointegral map DIAM40max (p < 0.05), increased QRS-STT angles in both transversal and left sagittal planes (p < 0.05), increased dispersion of QT interval QTd (P < 0.001).

The demonstrated changes confirmed dosulepine influence on the early myocardium depolarization phase and the correlation of this effect with dosulepine plasma concentration. Moreover the correlation between QTd and the dosulepine plasma level proved an influence of dosulepine on repolarization pattern.

According to above mentioned results we can conclude that dosulepine is responsible for electric heart field attenuation even in prophylactic doses and that the QTd could be used as a simple measure of the dosulepine effect on the myocardium.