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Polypyrrole-Coated and Polysulfate-Coated CE Capillaries

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Fused-silica capillaries covalently coated with polypyrrole offer some interesting properties for capillary electrophoresis. The polymeric, surface-bonded coating is chemically stable and reduces the adsorptive properties of the silica surface.

At the same time, the weak positive surface charges offer the possibility of creating a strongly anionic surface when poly-sulfates are used as counter-ions. This affords an electroosmotic flow which is largely independent of pH.

With sodium dodecyl sulfate in the background electrolyte, this effect is further enhanced. The potential of the approach is demonstrated with the separation of herbicides by micellar electrokinetic chromatography.

Repeatability of electroosmotic mobility of less than 1% RSD is achieved.