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Laboratory simulation of regelation cycles



Regelation causes horizontal and vertical movements of clasts and cryoturbation. It is almost impossible to observe these processes in relief in real time because of technical complications.

That is why these processes were observed in laboratory conditions. Changes of height of soil substrate surfaces, which increased while frozen, were observed during single phases of regelation cycles.

Expansion of angles contained between the surface and the clasts after freeze of soil substrate during regelation cycles was also detected. The following processed occurred: frost heaving and horizontal movements of clasts (about 2,6 mm in average) and changes of their angles at the start and at the end of the measuring: on the surface (16,9o) and 1 cm undersurface (about 8,9o in average).

While comparing horizontal movements and changes of angles contained between clasts (classified by weight) and the surface no relation between movement rate or change of angle with the clast's weight was detected.