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Spatial Distribution of Algal Assemblages in a Temperate Lowland Peat Bog

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Samples of phytobenthos were collected during three different seasons in 2005 along a linear transect of a lowland peat bog at various spatial scales (10 cm, 1 m, 10 m) to investigate the seasonal dynamics, diversity, and factors influencing the spatial patterns of microalgal communities. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses, ANOSIM, Mantel tests and diversity indices were used to analyze the data.

Seasonal dynamics were exhibited by an increase in diversity, and a decrease in dominance from May to October, with significant differences in species composition. Mantel tests showed the significant influence of distance, microhabitat type, and conductivity on maintaining the similarity of species composition on scales of 1 m and 10 m.

The small-scale processes (colonization and niche differentiation), microhabitat type, geographic distance and conductivity were found to be the main factors influencing the distribution of algal assemblages.