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Genetic diversity of cladocerans Daphnia curvirostris and D. pulex from vernal temporary pools: effect of dispersion and local processes in watershed hierarchy



This study evaluates genetic diverzity of two pool-dwelling cladoceran species, Daphnia curvirostris and D. pulex among populations inhabiting temporary pools along large Czech rivers. We test a hypothesis that populations within a particular watershed will be less divergent from each other than between watersheds.

The pools were sampled 2006-2008, and altogether we analysed 42 and 39 populations of D.curvirostris and D.pulex respectively for allozyme polymorphism on AAT, AMY, GPI, LDH, MPI a PGM loci. For genetic diversity evaluation, we used hierarchical FST analyses and Nei genetic distances, we also performed Mantel test to check for simple geographical distance patterning.

All analyses showed congruent outputs that there is a lack of evidence for any geographical or watershed divergence.