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AtbZIP34 is required for Arabidopsis pollen wall patterning and the control of several metabolic pathways in developing pollen.

Publication at Faculty of Science |


We report the functional characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana AtbZIP34 that is expressed in both gametophytic and surrounding sporophytic tissues during flower development. T-DNA insertion mutants in AtbZIP34 show pollen morphological defects that result in reduced pollen germination efficiency and slower tube growth both in vitro and in vivo.

Light and fluorescence microscopy revealed misshapen and misplaced nuclei with large lipid inclusions in the cytoplasm of atbzip34 pollen. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed defects in exine shape and micropatterning and a reduced endomembrane system.

Several lines of evidence, including the AtbZIP34 expression pattern and the phenotypic defects observed, suggest a complex role in male reproductive development that involves a sporophytic role in exine patterning, and a sporophytic and/or gametophytic mode of action of AtbZIP34 in several metabolic pathways, namely regulation of lipid metabolism and/or cellular transport