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Ecological requirements of some ant species of the genus Formica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in spruce forests.

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Five types of stand stages (clearings-samplings, plantations, thinnings, thickets, and mature forests) of spruce forests were examined at the foothills of the Jizerské hory Mts. in summer 2005 and 2006. The presence of ants was surveyed by catching them into pitfall traps and observing on baits.

Higher numbers of Formica fusca ants were found in clearings-samplings and in plantations. Their activity was higher at the soil and air temperature of 20-30oC.

The peak of activity was observed in July. Most specimens were trapped at lighter habitats and in the sites with more than 50% herbaceous and gramineous vegetation cover.

F. pratensis was trapped in plantations and thickets. It was active at the soil temperatures 12-21oC and air temperatures 16-25oC.

It occurred both in dark and light areas. F. sanguinea most commonly occurred in thinnings.

This species was the most active at the soil temperature 20-30oC.