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The function of the blood aqueous barrier in eyes with emulsified silicone oil

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


PURPOSE: To evaluate the function of the blood aqueous barrier(BAB) in the eyes with silicone oil emulsification (SOE). METHODS: Protein concentrations, expressed in albumin equivalents,were determined in aqueous humor of the eyes with SOE in 11 consecutive patients by means of proton nuclear magnetic resonance ( H-1 NMR) spectroscopy.

Correlations with various clinical factors were studied. RESULTS: Normal function of the BAB (albumin equivalents 1mg/ml and less was found in 8 eyes (73%) independently on underlying disease, early postoperative reaction after pars plana vitrectomy with SO implantation, degree of SOE and late postoperative complications.

Increased permeability of the BAB (albumin equivalents equal 2, 3 and 6.5 mg/ml) was found in 3 eyes (27%) with recent acute complication (retinal detachment after SO removal in 2 eyes, and secondary angle closure glaucoma in 1 eye). CONCLUSION: SOE in vivo was associated with increased permeability of the BAB in the minority of the eyes.

Other factors should be studied to explain the variability of SOE. H-1 NMR spectroscopy might be a valuable method for the study of SOE.