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Cytokinin regulates root meristem activity via modulation of the polar auxin transport

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Plant development is governed by signaling molecules called phytohormones. Typically, in certain developmental processes more than 1 hormone is implicated and, thus, coordination of their overlapping activities is crucial.

However, molecular mechanisms underlying the hormonal crosstalk are only poorly understood. Here we dissect the roles of cytokinin in modulating growth of the primary root.

We show that cytokinin effect on root elongation occurs through ethylene signaling whereas cytokinin effect on the root meristem size involves ethylene-independent modulation of transport-dependent asymmetric auxin distribution. We propose a novel model for cytokinin action in regulating root growth: Cytokinin influences cell-to-cell auxin transport by modification of expression of several auxin transport components and thus modulates auxin distribution.