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The functional expression and characterisation of a cysteine peptidase from the invasive stage of the neuropathogenic schistosome Trichobilharzia regenti

Publication at Faculty of Science, First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The recombinant cathepsin B2 from Trichobilharzia regenti was produced and characterised. Its presence was confirmed in extracts from cercariae and schistosomula.

Cross-reactivity was observed between T. regenti and S. mansoni cathepsins B2 in extracts of cercariae, schistosomula or adults. In T. regenti, the antisera localised the enzyme to post-acetabular penetration glands of cercariae implying an important role in the penetration of host skin.

Elastinolytic activity suggests that the enzyme might functionally substitute the histolytic role of the serine class elastase known from S. mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium.