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The Sklené garnet peridotite: petrology, geochemistry, and structure of a mantle-derived boudin in Moldanubian granulite.

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Moldanubian Sklené garnet peridotite, which preserves mineralogical, geochemical, and structural evidence for a protracted mantle evolution, is a small boudin (1 m) enclosed by granulite of the Gföhl Assemblage. The peridotite has a porphyroclastic texture, in which large garnet and smaller olivine and pyroxene porphyroclasts reside in a fine-grained, recrystallized matrix of olivine, pyroxene, and pargasitic amphibole).

By comparison with other Moldanubian garnet peridotites in the Czech Republic, the Sklené peridotite likely represents a fragment of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. It experienced early partial fusion and depletion of incompatible elements at moderate pressure in the spinel stability field, followed by transport to high-pressure conditions.

Subsequently, the depleted peridotite was metasomatized by transient, primitive basaltic melts, with the addition of Rb, Th, U, Pb, and Sr.