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Combined Sr, Nd, Pb and Li isotope geochemistry of alkaline lavas from northern James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula) and implications for back-arc magma formation

Publication at Faculty of Science |


We present a comprehensive geochemical data set for back-arc alkaline volcanic rocks from James Ross Island Volcanic Group (JRIVG), Antarctic Peninsula (AP). The elemental and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb and Li) composition of these Cenozoic basalts emplaced east of AP is different from the compositions of the fore-arc alkaline volcanic rocks in Southern Shetlands and nearby Bransfield Strait.

The variability in elemental and isotopic composition is not consistent with the JRIVG derivation from a single mantle source but it suggests that the magma was mainly derived from a depleted mantle with subordinate OIB-like enriched mantle component (EM II). The isotopic data are consistent with mantle melting during extension and possible roll-back of the subducted lithosphere of the Antarctic plate.

Magma contamination by Triassic–Early Tertiary clastic sediments deposited in the back-arc basin was only localized and affected Li isotopic composition in two of the samples.