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Genetic variation and reproduction strategy of Gentiana pannonica in different habitats

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Genetic variation within and among six populations of G. pannonica in the Bohemian Forest and two populations in the Alps was studied using RAPD markers. The revealed variation between populations from primary habitats and populations situated in the secondary mountain meadows accounted for 5 % of the total genetic variation, whereas no significant genetic diversity was found between two different regions (Bohemian Forest, the Alps).

Most of the variation is distributed among individuals within populations in the primary habitats, specifically 77% in the Bohemian Forest and 79% in the Alps. The pattern of among-population variation was substantially different between primary and secondary habitats.

While among-population variation in primary habitats was low in both of the regions (21-23%), the proportion of RAPD variation among populations in secondary habitats was distinctly higher (65%). Within-population genetic variation was higher in primary habitats than in the secondary ones.