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Craniometric Analysis of the Great Moravian Population from Mikulčice – X-ray film study

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The study was focused on craniometric analysis of lateral X-ray films of 129 skulls of Slavs from Mikulčice. Total of 170 linear, angular, proportional and special dental chracteristics was evaluated.

We focused on size and shape craniofacial sexual dimorphisms. Male skulls were significantly larger in all linear dimensions except for the height of the occipital bone.

In the males an indentation between the nasal bones and os frontale, as well as more conspicuous anteriorotation of mandible was recorded. The females, on the other hand, had a more prominent proclination of both the dento-alveolar maxillar process and the medial upper incisors.

The skulls were characterized by two general morphological features: neurocranial globularity and retrusion of jaws. The length of the mandible is shortened, while the height of its ramus is extended.

The overall height of the face, the intermandibular and interalveolar relationships has not changed from the Middle Ages to the present day.