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Magnetic fabric of granitic composite pluton of the Velka Fatra Mountains (Western Carpathians, Slovakia): A Variscan remnant within the Alpine edifice?

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The AMS study has been performed on various types of the basement - Variscan granitic and surrounding - Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Vel'ka Fatra Mountains, Tatric Superunit of the Central Western Carpathians. The Vel'ka Fatra Mts. provides good opportunity for AMS study because of composite S-type and I-type granite character of pluton and clear relations to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the cover and nappe positions.

The granitic massif consists of the three types of weakly magnetic peraluminous granites (350 - 340 Ma in age), ranging from two-mica granites to biotite granodiorites in composition and carrying accessory monazite and ilmenite; whereby they resemble common S-type and/or Ilmenite Series granite.