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Monitoring of Greylag Goose Anser anser in July 2007–March 2008

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Surveys of summer roosts of Greylag Goose Anser anser were carried out in July – September 2007. In July, 6 728 individuals of Greylag Goose were recorded.

Furthermore, numbers increased in the first half of August, when 17 414 Greylag Geese were recorded on roost sites in the Czech Republic. This increase in recorded numbers can be explained by movements of Greylag Goose from Neusiedler Lake (Austria/Hungary) to Czech sites after the start of the hunting season in Austria (1st August 2007).

Numbers of Greylag Goose in August increased especially on fishponds in south Bohemia- distance of about 200–250 km from Neusiedler Lake. Nevertheless, numbers of Greylag Goose declined in south Bohemia after the start of Czech goose hunting season (16th August 2007).