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Hairy leukoplakia - a diagnostic problem?

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine |


A 36-year-old patient with a venerological history developed whitish wart-like foci symmetrically on the lateral sides of the tongue which persisted for at least six months and did not change any further.Despite the obvious clinical diagnosis the patient with the persisting manifestations attended a number of clinical departments without assessment of the exact cause of the manifestations. The clinical picture was quite typical for hairy leukoplakia caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, a disease frequently associated with HIV virus infection, the diagnosis was confirmed by the positive finding of anti-HIV antibodies.

The patient was referred to, treated and given dispensary care in the AIDS centre of the Bulovka Faculty Hospital. The objective of the paper is to draw attention to the typical clinical picture which makes immediate assessment of the diagnosis possible and is one of the typical mucosal manifestations of HIV infection.