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Surgery of congenital anomalies - Contemporary trends

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine |


The objective of the present work is a review of contemporary therapeutic possibilities of neonates with serious developmental defects. Neonatal surgery of congenital developmental defects was in recent decades favourably influenced by the development of neonatology and prenatal diagnosis.

Nowadays prenatally diagnosed congenital anomaly is not a primary indication for termination of pregnancy but for comprehensive examination and consultation in a specialized centre. The definite decision regarding continuation of pregnancy or its termination is up to fully informed parents.

In the majority neonatal surgery is not surgery of urgent operations, adequately stabilized neonates are operated while ensuring comprehensive extrasurgical care. The prognosis as regards survival and quality of life is favourable for the majority of isolated congenital defects.

During the period 1994-2001 at the authors' departments a 73% survival of neonates with an isolated diaphragmatic hernia was recorded, 87% with omphalocele, 93% with gastroschisis, 90% with oesophageal atresia, 97% with anorectal atresia and 100% with intestinal atresia. With declining mortality, in the foreground of interest are problems of early definitive correction of long-term results and quality of life.

With regard to the low incidence of different congenital anomalies and the contemporary birth rate in the Czech Republic its is justified to concentrate selected defects in centres which are able to provide comprehensive prenatal and early postnatal treatment.