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Virus-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome in Systemic Disease

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


20 year old man 2 years treated for the seropositive rheumatoid arthritis was admitted for fever accompanied with jaundice, anemia and leukopenia. The underlying disease has been compensated already for long period of time, before his admission only Prednison (in the dose of 5 mg daily) and Methotrexat (15 mg once a week) was given.

His physical examination of admission was without any significant abnormalities, out of the routine laboratory examination the value of leukocytes count was 2.1 x 10 9 /L, erythrocytes 3.7 x 10 12 /L, hemoglobin 95 g/l, hematocrit 0.29, platelets 156 x 10 9 /L. Since admission to hospital the hepatic enzymes ALT, AST, GMT, ALP were about ten times elevated comparing to normal values, the coagulation examination has shown the decrease of Quick test to 55 %.

With respect to the permanent leukopenia the bone marrow aspiration was taken with the finding of the increase number the RES elements (18.4%) with the signs of hemophagocytosis. The phagocytic reticulum absorbs blood elements erythrocytes, normoblasts, granulocytes, platelets.

According to the literature experience we started the combination of the immunosupresive treatment consisting of corticosteroids and Cyclosporine. Already the day following the application of the high dose of corticosteroids the fever subsided, icterus went away gradually with the normalization of the liver tests.

After 20 days of hospitalisation the patient was discharged in good shape. Now, after 4 months the is stabilized on the follow-up treatment of Prednison a Cyklosporine.