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The sources of self-esteem in temperament types

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The authors aimed at the analyses of sources of self-esteem in temperament types. The study was undertaken in the sample of secondary school students (n = 428, 184 boys and 244 girls; the mean age 16 years).

To the assessment of the level of temperament characteristics the Eysenck Personality Inventory was used, the content of the self-concept was assessed by the help of self-rating on 40 adjective seven point bipolar scales. For the assessment of the level of self-esteem, the Rosenberg's Scale of Self-Esteem was used.

The sources of self-esteem were analysed by the help of the multiple regression analyses with the stepwise regression. In all temperament types the high self-esteem is connected to the successfulness.

The other characteristics are either shared by the couples of types; namely above all by those types which are defined by one common pore of certain temperament dimension, or they are specific for the given type only.