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DNA polymorphism, allogenic bone marrow transplantation and peripheral cell chimerism

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine |


BACKGROUND: Bone marrow transplantation or transplantation of peripheral stem cells is an effective treatment of a number of diseases. Its increasing success and expanding use in associated with the development of molecular diagnostic methods which enable to follow up the graft from its engraftment in a recipient and then during the whole posttransplantation period at the level extremely small numbers of cells.

METHODS AND RESULTS: In peripheral blood of patients, genotypes of the following loci were examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR): APOB, COL2A1, D17S20, D1S80, HVR/1G, SRY and AMXY. Technique of restriction analysis was used for loci DXYS20 and DXYS75. 1.

The first signs of donor bone marrow activity were observed in 50% of patients already at the beginning of the second week after transplantation, while in the second half of patients increasing number of donor cells in peripheral blood was noticed in the second and third week. 2. Engraftment with full and permanent substitution of own bone marrow without presence of recipients cells in peripheral blood--complete chimerism--was achieved only in a part of patients (cca 50%). 3.

Peripheral blood of other patients did not contain only donor cells but also recipients cells--mixed chimerism. With regard to its onset, the authors have divided mixed chimerism into early and late, taking into account that some patients can develop both types.

In patients under study, early chimerism was found more frequently, which apparently resulted from a shorter period of observation of lately transplanted patients. 4. In cases of oncohaematologic patients, which allowed to study specifically the presence of a pathologic clone, the follow-up of chimerism enabled to distinguish between relapse of the original disease and "biologic" recovery--resurrection of original disease-free haematopoiesis. 5.

Regression of mixed chimerism was supposed to be the result of treatment focused at the original disease (CML), in some patients, however, it was a spontaneous process. CONCLUSIONS: Follow-up of cellular chimerism in transplanted patients by means of molecular genetic methods provides substantial information about patient's shape which can be utilized it is necessary to decide on treatment procedures.

For this reason it is desirable that examination of chimerism by molecular methods should form integral part of care of these patients.