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Tissue amino acids in patients with colorectal carcinoma

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Different catabolic conditions have their special characteristics of intracellular biochemical changes. The objective of the presented work is to assess the concentration of free amino acids in muscles of patients with colorectal carcinoma.

In a group of 17 patients the free amino acid level was assessed in tissues and plasma. Material was collected on operation by biopsy of the rectus abdominis muscle, the concentration of different amino acids was assessed by the HPLCV method with fluorescent detection.

For statistical evaluation the T-test was used. From the results ensues that in patients with colorectal cancer in plasma statistically significantly lower taurine, glutamine, valine, tyrosine levels were found, intracellularly significantly reduced levels of taurine, glutamic acid, methionine and ornithine were recorded.

Significantly elevated intracellular levels of valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine were found. Assessment of the tissue aminoacidogram is the first step when attempting to influence the intracellular amino acid concentration by defined dietetic preparations.