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Immunoglobulin substitution therapy in patients with primary immunodeficiency

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Immunoglobulin supplementation therapy represents a corner stone in the treatment of patients with disturbance of specific antibody production, which are sensitive to infectious diseases, mainly of bacterial origin. Specific treatment, way of administration, dosage and substitution interval is highly individual.

The correctly guided treatment leads to significant decrease in the frequency of severe respiratory infections and probably also to deceleration of chronic changes in lung parenchyma. Numerous modulatory effects of substituted immunoglobulins on immunity and inflammatory response are proved.

Nowadays the subcutaneous route of administration is often preferred to intravenous one. Either pumps ordirect rapid push method are used for immunoglobulin administration.

Both methods of administration are comparable regarding their efficacy. Better comfort for patients is achieved with subcutaneous supplementation in their homes with low frequency of side effects in addition.

The adverse events are only local and mild.