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Fluorescence as a potentional instrument for weet detection

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Application digital photo was certify and kinetic fluorescence chlorophyll sourced at measuring with fluorescent camera FluorCam for weed determination and crop differentiation and weed pertinently some weed kinds from one another. Comparing measure transcript use measuring Kautsky effect and swith down analysis (quenching) was foudnd, that suitable selection and setting measure transcript and successive by ballot parameter is possible get photo provide not only very good distinguish plant from background, but can be with relatively good reliability distinguish even one another.

For determination generic difference among crop and weed was as model mate use trouble, which was compared with wheat, rape, sugarbeet and sun-flower. For differentiation wasapply technique neural network, who enable combination much parameter acquired from fluorescent kinetic for what the most reliable recognition between crop and trouble.

Difference in reliability classification between used transcript measuring are very s