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Comparison of mutagenicity of selected natural chemical compounds in different tests for testing of mutagenicity

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Mutagenic, antimutagenic and immunomodulatory effects of plant compounds were studied in procaryotic (Salmonella typhimurium) and eucaryotic (male BALB C mice) models. Strong antimutagenic effect against AFB1 was found in cauliflower, carrot and garlic extracts.

Extracts from cauliflower and carrot was also able significantly increase extremly low levels of chemiluminescence and blastic transformation, caused by AFB1 and heterocyclic amines from protein pyrolyzate. Some plant compounds (-angelikalactone, juglone, humulone, emodine, hypericine, psoralene) revealed mutagenic activity.

Strong antimutagenic effect of plant phenol ellagic acid against mutagenicity of AFB1 and amino-methylimidazo-quinoline (IQ) were detected in Ames and micronucleus tests.