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Identification of relation between uptake of 18FDG PET and severity of symptomatology in panic disorder

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Recently, there are available several publications concerning imaging methods in Panic disorder (PP). In our study we tested symtomatology rate in correlation with regional metabolic changes in patients with PP in rest conditions.

Method: Brain metabolism was measured by the use of 18F-deoxyglucose (18FDG) positrone emission tomography (PET). Psychopatology was measured by specific rating scale for Panic disorder Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS).

Data was analysed by sofware for statistic parametric mapping (SPM99). Results: Positive correlation ( p=0,001, uncorrected) between severity of symptoms and intensity of 18-FDG uptake was detected.

Conclusions: Frontotemporal abnomities were detected also in previous studies. These areas seem to be probable candidate locations of repetitive transcranila magnetic stimulation ( rTMS).

Positive correlation beetween metabolism and intenstity of symptoms signalize further application of low frequency od rTMS, which decrease metabolims in the area of administration