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Practice effect in verbal fluency test and assesment of an alternative version - pilot study

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No alternative to NKP version of fonetic verbal fluency exists in the Czech language. The practice effect after one month retest of Czech version of fonetic and semantic verbal fluency is not known.

Methodology: 32 healthy volunteers were assessed by a verbal fluency test with the letters N, K, P, B, D, L, M, T, R, S and semantic verbal fluency test. Retest was repeated after 1 month.

Results: We have not found any alternative to the NKP version of verbal fluency test, therefore we decided to develop two new versions from the letters mentioned above. We have found three pairs of subtests with letters NB, KP and TL with significant correlation and nonsignificant difference in performance score during test and retest.

Mean score of NKT version was 46.1-12.4 words and mean score of BPL version was 48.1-10.3 in first session. Practice effect was significant in both versions with CI95% 7.4-14.7 respectively 7.1-11.4 words after one month.

Total score of NKT and BPL version was not significantly different during both sessions. The correlation was significant during first (r=0.82, p< 0.05) and second session (r=0.85, p< 0.05).

Semantic verbal fluency test practice effect was significant with CI95% 6.1-14.1 words. Verbal fluency practice effect of NKP version was significant with CI95% 8.2-14.6 words.

Conclusion: We have found three pairs of subtests which form two alternative versions of fonetic verbal fluency. Both versions seem to be interchangeable.