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Six novel mutations in the GCK gene in MODY patients

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


We compared the clinical characteristics of patients with GCK mutations and those without mutation in GCK (data not shown in details). In short - the treatment of hyperglycemia with diet was more frequent (p , 0.001) in the group of probands with mutations in GCK and they had a significantly lower frequency of diabetic complications (p 1/4 0.02).

None of the patients with mutations in GCK was treated with insulin (p , 0.001). Moreover, GCK mutation carriers had a lower level of glycosylated hemoglobin (p1/40.02).

The mean HbA1c (%) in GCK-positive probands vs negative was 5.7 0.2 vs 6.5 0.2. In conclusion, we identified 29% of GCK mutation carriers among Czech MODY probands, confirming that mutations in GCK are a common cause of MODY in the Czech population.