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EEG biofeedback and its use in clinical practice

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EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) is a therapeutic method based on the operant conditioning principle and learning in general. It provides the patient with information about his brain's activity and thus enables him to learn how to control it.

During the training session the activity of the patient's brain is recorded and the feedback (visual and auditory) is usually presented in the form of a computer game. The success in the game depends on whether the patient's EEG corresponds to parameters set by the trainer.

EEG biofeedback is being used in a wide variety of disorders. In the literature, one can find evidence of successful application in the form of case studies, non-controlled and sometimes controlled studies as well.

The indication of EEG biofeedback is best validated in epileps and attention disorders (ADD/ADHD). The authors of recently published reviews prevailingly conclude that EEG biofeedback is a promissing method, bat they emphasize a need for further scientific investigation