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History of the treatment of scapula fractures

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The history of treatment of scapula fractures is closely connected with the history of the French surgery. Par, (Les A"uvres dA ' Ambroise Par,, conseiller, et premier chirurgien du Roy, Gabriel Buon, Paris, p VCV, 1579), Petit (Trait, des maladies des os.

Tome second, Charles-Etienne Hochereau, Paris, pp 122-138, 1723), Du Verney (Trait, des maladies des os. Tome I, de Burre, Paris, pp 220-231, 1751) and Desault (A'uvres chirurgicales, ou tableau de la doctrine et de la pratique dans le traitement des maladies externes par Xav.

Bichat, Desault, M,quignon, Devilliers, Deroi, Paris, pp 98-106, 1798) were the first to point out the existence of these fractures. The first drawing of a scapula fracture was presented by Vogt (Dissertatio de ambarum scapularum dextroeque simul claviculae fractura rara, Dissertatione Universitae Vitembergensi, Wittenberg, 1799).

This author was also the first to describe the scapula fracture associated with ipsilateral fracture of the clavicle. The first radiograph of scapula fracture (glenoid fossa fracture) was published by Struthers (Edinburgh Med J 4(3):147-149, 1910).

The first internal fixation of scapula fracture using plate was done by Lambotte (1910) who was followed by Lane (The operative treatment of fractures, Medical Publishing Co, London, pp 99-101, 1914) and later by Lenormant (Sur lA ' ost,osynthSse dans certains fractures de lA ' omoplate Bulletins et m,moires de la Soci,t, de chirgie de Paris, pp 1501-1502, 1923), Dujarier (Fracture du col chirgical de lA ' omoplate. Ost,osynthSse par plaque en T.

Bonne r,duction. Bulletin et m,moires de la Soci,t, de chirurgie de Paris, pp 1492-1493, 1923) and Basset (Ost,osynthSse dA ' une fracture de lA ' omoplate.

Bulletin et m,moires de la Soci,t, nationale de chirurgie. p 193, 1924). Dupont and Evrard (J Chir (Paris) 39:528-534, 1932) presented the first detailed description of the surgical approach along the lateral border of the scapula including two drawings.

They were also the first to use the term "pillar of scapula". Judet (Acta Orthop Belg 30:673-678, 1964) advocated operative treatment of displaced scapula fractures and described extensile posterior approach.

Based on the French school, AO/ASIF improved methods of internal fixation of these fractures.