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Epidemiology of caesarean sections

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The number of performed caesarean sections is rising steaply worldwide. Compared to several hundred years ago, when successfully performed caesarean section was a reason for an obstetrician to be proud, nowadays it is discussed how to stop or whether to stop at all the rising fenomenon of the caesarean sections performed.

There are many reasons for this rise in numbers of S. C. and it cannot be blamed only on better operative techniques, miniheparinisation, antibiotic treatment and very good neonatological care together with demographic changes in population all over the world.

Patients nowadays want to be more involved in choosing the best diagnostic or terapeutical treatment. Controversal is the topic of caesarean section on maternal request which often divides obstetricians into two groups with contradictory opinions.

But analysis of this topic would overreach this article.