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The issue of elective caesarean section from a neonatologist's point of view

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The impact of elective caesarean section on neonatal mortality and morbidity is analyzed in this collective article. There is statistically significant higher risk of acute respiratory insufficiency, deficiency of surfactant and persistent pulmonary hypertension in neonates after elective caesarean section (without start of uterine activity).

Respiratory morbidity is caused by interruption of the physiological hormonal changes before spontaneous delivery start. Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels in alveolar epithelial cells play a dominant role in re-absorption of amniotic fluid in the newborn's lungs.

The importance of mechanical factors (i.e., chest compression during vaginal delivery) is very limited. The advantages of elective caesarean section are decrease of perinatal asphyxia, birth traumatism and meconium aspiration incidence.