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Acellular porcine dermis in local treatment of diabetic food syndrome

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


Diabetic foot disease is one of the most common and most severe complications of diabetes. Aetiology of chronic ulcers is multifactorial and adequate therapy is often very difficult.

Acellular porcine dermis could be used to treat chronic wounds with no signs of osteomyelitis and without critical ischaemia. The main advantages of acellular porcine dermis are its ability to be stored for long periods in dried form and its availability.

In accordance with the results of our pilot study performed on 14 patients, the use of acellular porcine dermis in therapy of superficial non-infected ulcers was more efficient than with xenografts and is an appropriate alternative to modern bioengineered skin substitutes. We did not observe any serious adverse effects of this treatment.