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Toxic epidermal necroíysis - our experience with systemic and local treatment

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The toxic epidermal necroíysis is an acute bullous dermatologic disease of an autoim-mune etiology that after an exposition to an inducing agent gradually develops into an exfoliation of epidermis and íhen to a skin loss with defecís of various extení. Original-ly dermatological problém after such skin loss becomes a cornbination of surgical and dermatological problems, treatment of which demands an interdisciplinary cooperation.

After many years of the treatment of patients with the toxic epidermal necroíysis the Clinic of burns in Prague has undoubtedly the largest group of successfully cured patients in Czech Republic. The páper summarizes this nosological entity and it pre-sents a complicated oase of a young patient as an example of a complex treatment, cornplex care and possible complications.