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The role of three-dimensional ultrasonography in assisted reproduction

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


With arrised frequency of ovarian, uterus and another pelvic patologies remains the three-dimensional transvaginal sonography in diagnosis of sterility wommen very actuall in the fields of reproductive medicine. Actually the assesment of ovarian reserve belong to the essentials investigations in the diagnosis of primary and secondary sterility at this time.

The advance in the three-dimensional transvaginal sonography allows to assess the endometrial volume, echogenity, endometrial vascularity and endometrial receptivity. There is a significant importace of 3D power dopler angiography by meassurment of folicular and ovarian vascularity with three indices (VI, FI, VFI) and provides the calculation of ovarian vascularity from the volume.

New Sono-Automatic Volume Calculation (Sono-AVC) software that identifies and quantifies hypoechoic regions within a three-dimensional dataset and provides automatic estimation of their absolute dimensions, mean diameter and volume. An unlimited number of volumes can theoretically be quantified, which makes it an ideal tool for assessment of the ovarian volume and the antral follicle count (AFC) in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation