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Osseous anatomy of scapula: its importance for classification of scapular body fractures

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


A study of the scapular osseous architecture and its impact on the distribution of fracture lines of its body fractures. The osseous architecture of the scapula was studied on 100 dry specimens of adult human scapulae.

The findings were compared with the distribution of fracture lines in 22 patients, operated on the scapular body fracture. The basic structure of the anatomical body of the scapula was a triangle demarcated by the spine of scapula base, the medial and lateral borders of the infraspinous fossa.

The spinal and lateral borders of this "biomechanical" triangle were formed by two strong pillars extending through the scapular neck as far as the middle and lower part of the glenoid. The superior angle of scapula with the adjacent part of the supraspinous fossa formed an appendix of the mentioned biomechanical triangle.

The weakest part of its whole structure was the junction of the medial and spinous border, so called spino-medial angle. Another weak part was identified in the centra