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New anticoagulants in cardio-embolia prophylaxis in atrial fibrilation

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Problems of anticoagulation clinic is very timely, keep in mind that this treatment is indicated in almost two percent of the population and is provided only slightly more than half of the patients. Even so, the long-term warfarin administered only in the Czech Republic more than 100 000 patients, indications are mainly thromboembolic prophylaxis of stroke.

Let's look first at these results, the newly published studies in patients with atrial fibrillation, and then ask yourself, why are new anticoagulants effective and safer than vitamin K antagonists, specifically warfarin, used for over fifty years. Results ROCKET-AF study were published in late 2010 at the Congress of the AHA.

This study compared the effect of warfarin administered lege artis with rivaroxaban in more than 14 000 high-risk patients (mean age 73 years and CHADS2 score 3.5). It is therefore concluded that the standard dose of rivaroxaban 20 mg once daily (or in mild renal insufficiency, 15 mg) is at least as effective as warfarin